Saturday, April 30, 2011

Stored procedures or Embedded SQL???

One of the clients I worked for didn’t allow it’s developers to use embedded SQL in their sourcecode. Only the usage of stored procedures was allowed. Applications only got the database authorization to call stored procedures, nothing else. To me this is the most optimal use of database security!

The DBA department made one stored procedure per table to select everything and one to select records on bases of their primary key. All other stored procedures that were necessary for an application were made by developers, but before they could be used in a production environment the DBA’s reviewed them. This way the DBA’s could keep an eye on how different tables were used and how this was affecting the database / DBMS. If necessary they optimized the stored procedures or just sent it back to the developers to have them optimize it themselves. In general this made for optimized stored procedures with a uniform way of coding in them. I liked this way of working and try to do this also with other clients, if they allow me to do this of course.

In general for me the advantages of stored procedures are:
  1. Security (only expose stored procedures to the big bad world outside, nothing else)
  2. Speed; because the DBMS optimizer makes a one time plan for execution (this has advantages and disadvantages but that’s another discussion altogther)
  3. Reusable code / procedures.
  4. Reviewable code. Reviewable by DBA’s that have the right knowledge for optimizing stored procedures. No .NET or other knowledge is necessary for these reviews!
So according to me we should use stored procedures more often!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

"Search Workitems" Plugin for Visual studio and Team Explorer

Today I needed to find a workitem in TFS (Team Foundation Server) but didn't know in which Team Project it was. I also didn't know the workitem ID so I was getting ready for a big search through all the projects. Then I decided that there must be a better way to do this, and that it couldn't be that I was the only one with this problem.

After searching a bit on google I found this plugin for Visual studio and Team Explorer and it works great! It adds a toolbar to Visual Studio with a small search field in it where you can put any search word. It then will search through all the workitems in all the projects and gives you a list with items it finds. Exactly what I needed so I added it to my great tools for .NET development toolbox!

You can find this plugin on codeplex:
The description on codeplex for this plugin is:
This plugin for Team System puts a little search box right into Visual Studio to make it easy to find work items. It is an addin for Team Foundation Client (Team Explorer) and is accessible from the Team menu when you're connected to a Team Foundation Server and is also available from a VS Toolbar. You just type in some search text and it runs a work item query for you showing you results across the work item store, or enter a work item ID to immediately open a specific work item.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

A string manipulater method

To stay in the spirit of code sharing I decided to add another code snippet!

This little snippet of C# shows a method that will make all the first letters of the words in a string uppercase.

Okay, okay not exactly brain surgery but a nice snippet anyway! ;-)

public static string InitCapSmall(string tekst)
   if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(tekst) || tekst.Trim() == "") return tekst;
   string returnValue="";
   foreach (char c in tekst)
      returnValue += returnValue.Length == 0 || 
                     returnValue[returnValue.Length - 1] == ' ' 
                     ? c.ToString().ToUpper() : 
   return returnValue;
That's it!

I also put this blog on my site;

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Using syntax highlighting

So after registering my URL and installing wordpress on my site I started thinking about what I would write about. I decided that I will write general ramblings about being a freelance .NET developer having a strange infatuation with the Macbook pro, the iPad and the iPhone.

Next to that I also will write more technical blogs about .NET development, where I will insert C# source code. To keep the source code readable and to make use of a (sort of) color coding I decided to search for a plugin that would help me with that.

Luckily I found the Wordpress plugin SyntaxHighlighter which did the trick for me! It isn't 100% what I want but it comes close to this. You just have to put two tags around your source code, letting Wordpress know what is code and what is not and that's it! You can even let Wordpress know which language it is so the right words will be hightlighted.

I put a small C# code snippet on my website ( ) to show what I mean.
Nicely done right?!